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Posted by Kimmie - 05-16-2021, 02:14 PM
So you want to affiliate. Here is what you do.
  1. Copy and paste the code to your front page. It must be static.
  2. Leave a link in the comments below with the code for your button so we can do the same.
  3. We reserve the right to remove buttons for various reasons. If your button is broken on our page, you have up to a week to fix it with us before we pull yours down because we will assume your forum is no longer active.
Button 1:
[Image: mainbutton.png]
<a href="https://bywitandwhitby.com/"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/TkxHKFw/mainbutton.png" alt="mainbutton" border="0"></a>
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